What we do ...
• This practice is as ancient as humans.. it's how we've always related to source.
You are invited to dance without judgement, and enhance your spirit's creativity as you erase limitations to your full range of expression. Restore a balance with yourself and the natural world.
• Our weekly dances are invitational; an inquiry, inclusive rather than directive. You may discover community and connection, or your dance can simply nourish your own inner realm. It's easy to let others know when you need your own space, simply bow or gently turn away.
• You've entered a place of respect for who we really are, which extends to each being in the space. Listen within, follow, all levels and all abilities are welcomed here.
• Release tensions and restrictions, find freedom and reduce or eliminate pain by meeting yourself with genuine participatory curiosity.
• For me sharing this practice of coming home into myself; creating a balanced relationship with my body mind and emotions as well as my environment. It's my most direct access to myself and to harmony in my life. I offer this as a sublime way to achieve wholeness.
• There is no verbal conversation, expression is through the body, and regardless of the tempo, there is always a focus on being in a meditative place. This is a moving meditation where the entire being participates. Set intentions and let your body reveal the answers
• Regardless of your level of ability or fitness We've had participants in wheelchairs, crutches, with a vast range of ambulatory
conditions. You go at your pace, and learn to follow the inner wisdom that helps us meet the greater challenges in our society.
Grateful for the images from Ingrid Pullen Photography
Beneath the surface
There are dancers all around the world. a call from deep within us saying "this is the way". Without verbal language we can meet as musicians always have been able to; in a common language, without a need for translation, and find harmony. My own dance will be fascinating, evocative, compelling as I let myself enter the moment with inquiry. Our dances can take me to places that leave lasting memories ... allowing me to touch inner landscapes and access visions of what can be.
Travel, and find community all over the globe. Are you looking for tribe, for community? This embodied group connection is a portal to our human family.