Dancing in a time of virus
Things change so very quickly!! We are not holding classes in our usual spaces. but are having our classes virtually. If you'd like to join us please
meet us in the virtual dance.. you can dance with us in your home, or outside, you can meet us as you need to be met.. in your pajamas or your Sunday best.. with a friend or your family. Whether in quarantine or not you can still move, it is the best way to feel good, even if your dance is profoundly subtle and almost invisible to the eye, and you are feeling vulnerable and tired, dropping into your body and inquiring of your body in the here and now moment by moment is a way to change anything you may be feeling into sensation rather than projection.... Ease from the challenge into the heart with us!
And in our dance space we have done the following and will continue it when there is more freedom to move together.
• In addition to soap, paper towels, plus and tissues which are always in the space,
• We are providing a disinfectant spray and wipes for your comfort.
• We've been cleaning surfaces before classes,
• Now providing a water filter for our classes in the kitchen area, so you may hydrate as frequently as you need.
• Please bring your own water-bottle!
• If you need to take space for yourself, there is Always room, dance near the edge of the room, or near a window.
• Let people know you need your own space, simply offer a bow, or turn away.
• Get the most out of your time on the dance floor.
• Wear a mask, or scarf if you'd like to stay away from some of the opportunities for infection. Make it fun, colorful and soft.
To help keep yourself and the group safe you can:
Wear Masks, for others
Take space, and give it.. be generous
Ask your dancers to self-isolate (ie, to not come dancing) if they have been exposed to anyone with symptoms
Remind them to wash their hands (before and after class)
Ask them if they sneeze into a tissue to throw the tissue away
Be aware that elder people and people with immune deficiency have struggled the most
Following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, we would also like to remind:
Wear a mask.. get creative have fun making yours
Stay at home if you are feeling sick or have been in contact with someone who is.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water.
Avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes.
Clean and disinfect high-touch areas and surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, railings, light switches, toilets, phones, keyboards, remote controls, tablets and bedside tables.
Practice simple social distancing strategies from those who are sick, such as verbal salutations instead of handshakes or hugs; not sharing utensils, cups and linens; and keeping a distance of six feet apart.